Amy Lynn Couch

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Reverence in the Round

I want to help people connect to the healing spirit of Nature, Living Beauty, and the creative force that lies within each one of us. I want people to feel the life force energy that pumps through all of us and all of this sacred creation we call Earth.  

I want you to know, without a doubt, that you can transform your life by tapping into your own unique reservoir of healing images. It can be used to heal your own life as well as focusing it to heal the collective. This reservoir, this sacred cosmic womb, resides within each one of us and can give birth to worlds of Beauty. Women naturally hold this primordial energy, but men contain it, too. This is the energy of the Divine Feminine. Shakti. Shekinah. This is the other side of the Divinity coin. God the Mother equal in stature along-side God the Father.

I call this Reverence in the Round. The Sacred in Stereo. Think about what it’s like to listen to something in just the treble? Or just the bass? Or just one speaker? Extremely one-sided and lacking in description of the fullness of sound, no? Reverence in the Round is an honoring and revering of both the Masculine and Feminine spiritual energies that interact and give rise to All Things.  By consciously combining both energies we become more powerful and well-rounded positive change agents.

In order to tap into this sacred well of imaging and visioning we have to, at least from time to time, put down the negative messaging we are constantly bombarded with from all of our various devices, and begin to imagine a powerful new vision for the world. Our world. One in which humans lovingly return to Nature and bring Nature into our cities through inner city park development, community and rooftop gardens, planting more trees along our streets, and covering the vast expanses of concrete walls with hand-painted murals of Nature and humans living in harmony. This way, everyone can have meaningful contact with Nature, even in the most urban areas. Reincorporating intimate encounters with Nature into our everyday lives to heal Nature Deficit Disorder, a term coined by author Richard Louv. Studies show that the “greener” an area is the greater the health benefits to residents that live there. Even merely looking at pictures of Nature as opposed to urban scenes illicit a positive reaction in our brains and the cascade of stress hormones that chronically flood our systems are mitigated. 

We can begin incorporating elements of Nature back into our lives by bringing living plants into our homes. There are many studies that illustrate the health benefits of having and caring for plants in our homes. Gardens in our yards get us outside and away from our computers, and neighborhood gardens build community and wellbeing. Going outside for a walk or hike and taking in the spirits of Nature with all of our senses, allows Her to connect with us in a meaningful way. No earbuds, no texting, no phones calls. Pay attention to Her the way you would a lover or a best friend. Breathe Her in and allow the sounds, sights, and scents of Nature to being reweaving and rewiring health, love, and empathy for each other and all of Earth’s animals back into our hearts.  

I believe it is time to birth a new vision of harmony for our world. The multiple crisis we face today are the results of a lack of healthy and positive collective vision. Most of us have heard of creating vision boards to help change our personal lives in some way, whether it’s for wealth, health, relationship or all of the above. But what about a collective vision board? What about a vision board that incorporates all of the things we want our world to be? And allow that to guide our personal and collective decisions and behaviors? Pinterest would be great for this! Collective Harmony Boards. But also spending quiet time in meditation and in Nature to begin opening up our senses to intuition and allow that to guide us when making personal and collective decisions. 

The collective vision that I hold for us humans is to reweave an intimate and loving connection that consciously reintegrates the human heart within the Heart the Nature. Each of us healing any self-hatred or loathing we have and transforming it into self-love. Transforming our personal relationships into ones of respect and equality, and our communities into ones that lift the health and wellbeing of individuals, families, and the land that supports us.  

It is time to honor and revere the Divine Feminine in loving partnership with the Divine Masculine. The energy that pulses through the sacred womb of creation and gives birth to worlds of Beauty. Envision it and know that it is possible. Hold the highest dream you can for yourself and the world and begin taking action in that direction. Grace will lift you and your imagination and focused vision will be the wings you soar upon.